Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hello All!

Henlee finally got her two month shots... about a month late, but better late then never. She was a champ and cried only for a minute. Luckily the nurse was really quick to administer them and I was able to pick her up and soothe her :)

She, at just under 3 months, weighs 13lbs, 5.5oz. That is some where in the 50-75% range. Which, for us, is a pretty small baby ;)

Here is Everett... waiting for his turn to get into the car... as you can imagine we have to file in. :)
This is Griffin... he saw the camera come out and he took the opportunity to ham it up. He looks a lot like Everett in this picture... well all the time really, but especially in this picture.

This one I have share... her smile was so big it looked like it hurt her face! :)

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